Alexander's Lounge at the Hilton - Friday, March 31, 2006
The Ron Steen Trio, with Mike Winkle

Alexander's is a classy place and Ron Steen is a classy guy who plays his drums with finesse. Ron leads a rotating group of pianists, bassists and singers on the 23rd floor of the Hilton Hotel. It's a comfortable, elegant room, with a view of the sunset, the West Hills and finally, the night sky.
On this night we were presented with the warm tone of the superb Dennis Caiazza on bass and the talented, young Greg Goebel on piano. Dennis has been here nearly four years, by way of Rochester NY, and a long stint in Atlanta leading a successful swing band, while Greg arrived two years ago after graduating with a music degree from the University of Oregon. They treated us to Brubeck's In Your Own Sweet Way, Bye Bye Blackbird, Skylark and a beautiful bossa
It was an evening for lovers, with Mike Winkle's gorgeous vocals, treating us to I've got You Under my Skin, I Love You for Sentimental Reasons, and Lennon/McCartney's And I Love Her. My Foolish Heart had me swooning. Summertime and God Bless the Child touched the heart, as well. To see Mike's biography and schedule go to http://michaelwinkle.com.
Alexander's is non-smoking, and there's no cover charge. Free parking validation with the purchase of dinner. The food is outstanding and the service friendly and efficient. You will feel comfortable there in a tux, evening gown or jeans. Music is 8pm-midnight, Wednesday-Saturday. 921 SW 6th.