Bernie Knab

I grew
up hearing mostly classical music, including opera, but more often than
not, the instrumental works of Mozart, Bach and Beethoven. Hearing
these and other symphonic works laid the groundwork, I think, for my
penchant for instrumental music. In 1950, during my brief tenure (!) in
seminary, I overheard some great piano/guitar duo music coming from a
practice room buried in a classroom building basement. I knocked on the
door, was a let in, and Ramon Escheveria (guitar) and John Malarky
introduced themselves and invited me to drop by any time I heard them
playing. A few weeks later, I went by to say my goodbyes since I had
determined to exit the seminary, for good. They wouldn't let me go,
however, without first admonishing me to be sure when I got
“outside” to listen, and listen well, to Stan
Kenton! This I obediently did. It was, plain and simply, hearing Kenton
that launched me on my long, enduring love affair with jazz.
For quite a few years Kenton's challenging
harmonics and compelling arrangements were, first and foremost what I
listened to. Then, slowly, I became acquainted with numerous other
bands making it big in the fifties and sixties- Billy May, Ted Heath,
Woody Herman, Duke Ellington, Les Elgart, Count Basie, Miles Davis, Gil
Evans and others. Soon, too, I became enthralled with smaller groups-
Dave Brubeck, John Lewis and the Modern Jazz Quartet, Shearing, Erroll
Garner, as well as numerous straight ahead ensembles- Gillespie, Chet
Baker, Shelly Manne, and many others.
These days, indeed for the last twenty years or
so, I've been most taken by jazz pianists, solo or in trio and other
small formats. These include (but are only a select few) Keith Jarrett,
Bill Evans, Alan Broadbent, Oscar Peterson, Fred Hirsch, Jessica
Williams, Monk, Roger Kellaway, Mike Woffard, Bill Cunliffe, Bill
Charlap and Benny Green. Of course, nothing beats going out to hear
live jazz, and living in Portland provides me a rich menu of world
class musicians to enjoy. Local luminaries include Randy Porter, Tony
Pacini, George Mitchell, Dan Balmer, Renato Caranto, Ed Bennett, Scott
Steed, Mike Horsfall, Dave Avere, Dan Presley, Andre St. James, Warren
Rand, Darrell Grant, Gordon Lee, Mel Brown, Alan Jones, Gary Hobbs,
Phil Baker, Ron Steen , Dave Captein, Devin Phillips and so many more,
including the sterling vocalists, Shelly Rudolph, Marilyn Keller and
Valerie Day. Again, these are to name but a few, and that's how rich
the jazz scene is in our city!
I hang out most frequently at the new Jimmy Mak's
where one gets treated to three nights a week of Mel Brown in septet,
quartet and quintet formats. I love to catch Ron Steen , whether he's
jamming at Clyde's, Wilf's, Produce Row or at other venues, and always
enjoy Tall Jazz at the Heathman or Arrivederci's, or catching Bill
Beach or Lee Wuthenow at the Benson.
When I look back on favorite jazz experiences,
Stan Kenton again leaps to mind. I had the great pleasure of seeing his
various bands live in 5 different states. One of these times was at the
Macumba in San Francisco in 1955. Together with the gifted
photographer, Bill Grand, we presented the Kenton Band with a slide
show we had assembled to selected music by the Kenton band. It was 3:00
AM when we did this (!) and I recall happily that we
“borrowed” Sal Salvador's guitar amplifier to
project the sound. Bill and I had hoped that there might be a way to
package the visuals to accompany a future Kenton album. It wasn't to
be. But the experience was glorious nevertheless. And I let myself
believe then (and still kind of do) that Stan, in saying to us that he
wanted us to pursue discussion of possible applications with his agent,
was at least mildly flattered by what we'd done and maybe even
genuinely interested. And so it goes…
Additionally, I recall with great pleasure seeing
the Dave Brubeck Octet at the Blackhawk in San Francisco , and Chico
Hamilton and Cal Tjader as well. Over the years, I also saw and loved
the Brubeck Quartet. A special memory is having seen the Modern Jazz
Quartet at PSU in 1962: never before or since have four guys looked
classier at a jazz concert than these four geniuses all decked out in
impeccable tuxedos. But what were their choices…they had
their hands full just trying to keep up with the four gorgeous,
elegantly turned out women who accompanied them. And the music, by the
way, was awesome!
These days, the best experiences are catching the
marvelous menu of live jazz right here in my own backyard. And I can't
overlook the enjoyment I've had producing and hosting jazz concerts at
both Chemeketa Community College (Jazz in the Afternoon) and Willamette
Valley Vineyards (Jazz in the Afternoon and Four Seasons Jazz Concerts.)
I'm occasionally asked what are my favorite tunes,
and performed by whom. It is a question that I have a tough time
answering; one hears so much music over time and culling a few
favorites from that experience I find almost undoable. But I'll easily
admit to loving Frank Sinatra's “Here's That Rainy
Day,” a tune I never tire of, and I can't leave Frank without
professing my strong conviction that “Only the
Lonely” is at least one of his top 3 albums! When Mel's
septet does “I remember Clifford,” I'm gone. And
way back when I was devouring big band sounds in the fifties, I still
remember pulling my '50 Dodge to the curb so that I could listen
undistracted to the Ted Heath band's lovely take on that magical tune,
“Skylark”. And the Sauter/Finnegan band's
“Old Folks”. How about Bill Evans' “Waltz
for Debbie”? Dan Balmer's “Venus”? Pat
Metheny's “Farmer's Trust”? And, you can't possibly
exclude Gil Evans and Miles Davis' collaborations: “Sketches
of Spain” and “Porgy and Bess”...!
I also have a tough time answering who my favorite
performers are. But I think my answers to this one are pretty obvious
from that I've already written here. However, when asked if I recommend
any “jazz books” I am delighted to recommend two
that come readily to mind: Stephanie Stein Crease's “Gil
Evans: Out of the Cool, His Life and Music,” as well as
Laurie Pepper's amazing book on her husband, the late Art Pepper,
“Straight life”. And who can resist the
photographic masterpieces, William Claxton's, “Jazz
Seen,” and Carol Friedman's “The Jazz
So, to wrap up this bio-sketch: In 2002, I retired
from Chemeketa Community College , In Salem, where for 13 years I was
Director of Humanities and Communications and also produced and hosted
approximately 70 jazz concerts presented both at the college and at
Willamette Valley Vineyards.
Bernie Knab, 3503 S.W. Canby St. , Portland ,
Oregon , 97219 ,
Interview/Conversation with Jazz Pianist, Composer and Arranger, Tony Pacini, March 7, 2008
Nanette, February 20, 2008
Winkle, January 17, 2008
Conversation with George Fendel, November 09, 2007
Conversation with Dan Balmer, October 30, 2007
20 Years, October 23, 2007
Conversation with Clyde Jenkins, October 22, 2007